Our representative visited villages, towns and hastily set up refugee camps in Nowshera, Risalpur and Attock. What he found was dreadful misery. Homes had been destroyed and with them all the possessions the people had managed to accumulate. Clothes, children's toys, family photographs, everything.
It is estimated that 20 millions are now homeless. That is equivalent to every third person in Britain. If you're with two friends right now, one of you has just lost everything. How does that feel?
Our representative found thirty five families living together in a Christian school in Nowshera. They have no food or clean water, and nowhere else to go. Children cry in pain, hunger and bewilderment.
The floods have spread to Multan and Sindh provinces. Cities and villages have been razed to the ground by the force of the waters. There is nothing left.

The immediate needs are to provide food and clean water, and prevent diseases such as cholera, typhoid and dysentry. But there will be other needs. Time is not our friend. With the coming of winter, the weather will turn cold and harsh. Shelters and warm clothing will be needed. People weakened, disspirited and disheartened will stand no chance against the snows and bitter winds. It is imperative that we do all we can before the weather turns.
Please help. The smallest amounts are gratefully received.
You can send cheques and money orders to
Pakistan Emergency Relief
Trinity House
Mill Crescent
East Sussex
or you can donate with credit and debit cards by phoning 01892 669834, or through Paypal or Sage by visiting our website http://www.worldinneed.co.uk/
Further details and answers to your questions can be found at mark@worldinneed.co.uk
This is the worst disaster we've ever dealt with. We cannot stress enough how bad things are. Please don't leave the people of Pakistan to suffer on their own.